Helene - Exec Producer i.e. Charles' boss. 16 years at Decouverte. Favourite song - Les copains d'abord, Satisfaction
Both Helene and Charles are baby boomers who started training 3 months ago with the goal to climb Mera.
Manu - our guide - outdoor instructor, teacher, guide, filed tester for major gear, specializing in European Gear e.g. LOWA, Vaude. Favourite song - Back in Black
Michel - the MD - a laughing machine; Head of Heart Failure at the Montreal Heart Institute. Major interest in this trip is the impact of various growth factors and endothelial function on acclimitization. The project is being conducted from Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal, Universite de Montreal, CHUM - Hotel Dieu, UHN. Favorite song: Beautiful Day
Jani - just graduated from McGill, major interest in public health and humanitarian aid. Crazy for skiing; musician - piano/cello. Favorite song: quand on a que l'amour, Billy Jean
Raph - UBS man, from Switzerland but now heart and soul in Canada......Favorite song: la-haut sur la montagne
Michel - camera man, retired since 28 and works for pleasure - enjoys sailing; Yanick's slave. Favorite song: One
Dale - 9 year heart recipient, hero, firefighter, Peg's husband. Favorite song: anything covered by Marginal Donors
Julie - completing Masters in Kinesiology, trainer for Helene, Charles, Michel, Raphael, Yanick! Favorite song: Stairway to Heaven
Yanick - mountain goat, director of the film HDTV on Mera, indefatigable. Favorite Song: Thunder AC/DC
Dave - 11 years courtesy of his brother (apparently he thinks you have another one) living kidney transplant recipient. President of Canadian Transplant Association. General fixer upper, mechanic, bus repair, generator repair, locator of beer (anywhere). Favorite Song: crashing cars, walk this way
Heather - the other MD, blog writer and photographer, send all complaints to Dale. Favorite Song: Rock n Roll (Led Zeppelin)
We had an interesting day - we lost 600m of altitude and gained 900m. Path was populated by many locals, goats cows. We passed one large village and many small ones. As you pass by the locals say hello, invite you in, tea, sit in front of the fire, rest. They are so friendly. The kids follow us around especially Yanick, fascinated by the camera. Helene has given out a few dozen pencils as rewards. The rain came in after lunch in a big way, a real down pour. we were completely drenched but dried out in a teahouse. Am in another teahouse now the team is sitting around drinking tea and relaxing the rain is pouring.
The major concern for all of us is whether or not this is the start of the Monsoon. If it is it will have a major impact on our plans. Don't know yet but will update as we go.